All’s well, when you’ve got adaptogens

An adaptogen is the name given to several plants and roots due to their effects and benefits on the body, metabolism and overall well-being.

History of Adaptogens
The use of adaptogens goes back a long way. A few millennia ago, Chinese and Indian civilizations developed a series of knowledge and uses regarding specific plants and roots. Over time, this knowledge has formed a body of traditional medicine that remains a reference followed and practiced by many today.
As we all know, stress is a silent pandemic in itself. Whether physical or moral, it has unsuspected and devastating effects on our bodies, organs and various bodily systems. By disrupting our metabolism and the body's natural regulating systems, we find ourselves weakened against mild infections and serious illnesses.

Overall, adaptogens help combat the effects of stress on the body and metabolism by restoring and fortifying your well-being.
How do they work? Adaptogens work on a network of organs - the brain and glands - that are involved in hormone management and immune defense tasks.
You can find a wide selection of adaptogens (mushrooms, herbs, spices, roots, etc.) available in many forms: raw/natural, in powder, in capsules, as teas or as a food ingredient/additive.

How to make the right choice?

  • First and foremost, you must learn about the product, its origin, its method of preparation and the instructions on how to properly integrate it into your diet.
  • Bad mixes apply not just with alcohol, but with supplements too, so be careful!
  • Lastly, trust your taste buds. How do you want to consume your adaptogen? In a smoothie, a meal, a drink?
Some adaptogens have a strong taste in their natural state that is neutralized in another form, such as capsules or teas. Good to know, right?! :)

Before we go, here’s a riddle: which adaptogen is closest to you as you read these lines?

Hint: Click. Click. Click. The answer is a  few clicks away… :D

Stop stressing, be zen.